Yair Pinto’s “My State”: focus on Israel’s forgotten front: Judea and Samaria —”Israel's HIGH-STAKES West Bank Counterterrorism Operations”+ The alleged "curse of Allah" on the Jews, by Debi Brand ...
Courtesy TBN ISRAEL, and Debi Brand ...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports of the rising terrorism threat in Judea and Samaria, otherwise known as the West Bank. Pinto reveals how Iran wages its war of attrition against Israel through weapons smuggling and funding terror groups, and how Israel's IDF and Shin Bet are cracking down on these terrorist cells at Palestinian universities. Pinto also sits down with Oded Revivi, Mayor of Efrat, a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, about the city's increased security measures. — TBN ISRAEL
… so by the thousands they fled, poor, bewildered people, clutching a few belongings in a cardboard box, a sack, a suitcase, carrying their bawling young in their arms. In dilapidated buses whose roofs were crammed with their possessions, in taxis, on foot, on bicycles, on donkeys, they poured out of the country thinking that, unlike their Jewish neighbors, they had somewhere to go, vowing, like Ambara Khalidy’s children, ‘We shall come back.’ They were wrong.1 — Except from, “O Jerusalem!”
The “curse of Allah” on the Jews …
Israel, troubled on every side. Surrounded by “those who believe” – believe, that is, in the “Book of Allah.”
Thus, those who believe when the Qur’an declares, “They say, ‘Our hearts are uncircumcised.’ Rather, Allah has cursed them for their unbelief” (Surat al-Baqara 2: 88), the “They” spoken of therein are as the Qur’an indicates, as sira, and tafsir confirm the “they” are, that is “‘They’ are the Jews.”2
The lion’s share of Israel’s Arab neighbors further believes that when the Qur’an states, “When a Book does come to them from Allah, confirming what is with them … yet when they recognize what does come to them, they reject it” (2:89), again, the “them” spoken of there are “the Jews.” They believe that because that is what the text declares or infers. They believe that because, as said above, such is what sira, tafsir, so too ahadith confirm are the addressed thereat.
Again, tafsir on that provides, “‘Them’ means the Jews. The ‘Book’ here is the Qur’an while ‘what is with them’ refers to the Torah and Gospel.”3 Thus, the “believers” believe, when the said text declares, “Allah’s curse is on the unbelievers” (2: 89), those unbelievers spoken of there are the Jews.
Speaking to the same, when the Qur’an declares, “Those We have gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him (Muhammad …) as they recognize their own sons. But verily a party of them conceal the truth while they know it – [i.e., the qualities of Muhammad which are written in the Tawrah and the Injil” (2:146), “believers” believe that.
Do so because leading scholars of tafsir, ibn Kathir, for example, his tafsir on the said verse provides, “The Jews know that the Prophet is True, but they hide the Truth.”4
And “Those who hide the Clear Signs and Guidance We have sent down,” who are as shown, the Jews, then others following their example, of those, the Qur’an declares “after We have made it clear to people of the Book, Allah curses them, and the cursers curse them” (2: 159).
What’s more, to be so accursed is no laughing matter. No simple hurling, as it were, of nasty names. No sir. To incur the curse of Allah, according to Qur’anic doctrine, is to incur the bitterest punishment of Allah.
As we read, speaking to that curse on “unbelievers,” Imam al-Qurtubi provides, “the root of ‘la ‘n’ (curse) has the meaning of ‘driving away and putting far away.’ ‘Li ‘in’ is used for a man who is an outcast and is also used for a wolf” 5
Tafsir Ma’ariful Qur’an provides on those who earn that curse, “The Qur’anic word, ‘la ‘nah,’ (translated as ‘curse’ in absence of a more exact equivalent) means being far removed from the mercy of Allah, extremely debased and disgraced.”6 It continues, “For such accursed ones [sic] admonitions are very stern.”7
(Have you not seen those who were given a share from the Book? They believe in Jibt and Taghut and say concerning those who disbelieve, ‘They are better guided in their ways than those who believe.’ Those are the ones whom Allah curses, and the one whom Allah curses you shall find no helper for him” [4: 51 -2].
Tafsir comments there following, speaking to precisely what the verse is speaking of there, provides it is “A description of the evil traits of Jews….”)8
“Very stern” indeed, as provide the learned men in Islam. As in “The Holy Qur’an says: (The accursed, wherever they be, are to be caught and killed massacre-like.) (33:61) This is their disgrace in the present life – the disgrace in the Akkirah will be far too grim to contemplate.”9
That, just a bit of what “those who believe” believe concerning the Jews of Israel and the Jews of elsewhere…
Works Cited:
1. Larry Collins & Dominique Lapierre, O Jerusalem! Simon & Schuster PaperBacks, New York, New York, 1972, P. 337.
2. Al-Qurtubi, Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ansari, TAFSIR, Classical Commentary of the Holy Qur’an, Translated By AISHA BEWLEY, VOLUME I, DAR AL-TAQWA, 2003, P. 298.
3. Ibid, 300.
4. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir ibn Kathir, ABRIDGED, DARUSSALAM, Lebanon, Second Edition, July, 2003, V. 1, P. 433.
5. Al-Qurtubi, P. 299.
6. Shafi, Maulana Mufti Muhammad, Ma’ariful Qur’an, A Comprehensive commentary on the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 2, Translated by Muhammad Shamim, Forurth Authorised [sic] Edition, 2007; Revised by Maulana Muhammad Taqi ‘Usmani; Maktaba-e-Darul- ‘Uloom, Karachi, 14 Pakistan, P. 457.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid, 454.
9. Ibid, 457.